I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (Casting Crowns)
Chords | Piano sheet music | Performance track
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And in despair I bowed my head
There is no peace on earth I said
For hate is strong and mocks the song
Of peace on earth, goodwill to men
A Strange Way to Save the World (4Him)
Chords | Piano sheet music | Performance track | Performance track option 2
Lyrics Preview:
Why me, I’m just a simple man of trade
Why Him with all the rulers in the world
Why here inside this stable filled with hay
Why her, she’s just an ordinary girl
Now I’m not one to second guess
What angels have to say
But this is such a strange way to save the world
Welcome to Our World (Chris Rice)
Chords | Piano sheet music | Performance track | Performance track option 2 | Performance track option 3
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Hope that You don’t mind our manger
How I wish we could have known
But long-awaited Holy Stranger
Make Yourself at home
Please make Yourself at home
I Am A Carpenter (Klosner)
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I am a carpenter, and I build with careful hands
I do my best to take each block of wood
and carve it into something strong and sturdy,
Something useful, something beautiful for the world
I am a carpenter, not a wise man, not a king
And yet, the angel told me in a dream
This Is All I Have to Give (Todd Agnew)
Lyrics Preview:
I’d always dreamed I’d build a cradle we’d lay you in when we brought you home, when we brought you home,
But there you lay, fast asleep in a feed trough; it was all that I could find.
I’d always hoped you’d have my eyes, maybe a little bit of the skill of my hands,
But, as I look into your eyes, I see your hands created mine.