Even in distant lands, astrologers watched the skies for signs from heaven, as Israel waited for the one who would rescue her people from the despotic rule of Rome.
A Messiah, a representative of Jehovah Himself.
A King of the line of David.
And a Savior of the people of God.

We Have Seen His Star in the East explores the character of Jesus using the gifts of the Magi as a metaphor: frankincense for a Deity, gold for a King, and myrrh for a Savior. It matches a verse of “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” with a parallel from “We Three Kings” to open each chapter, and at the end the congregation looks towards eternity with a King of kings on His throne, an almighty God Who has defeated death, and a Savior Who will bring His ransomed people home.

What you need:
- Program outline: available here
- Special music: scroll through this page for plenty of options, with links to chords, sheet music, and performance tracks!
- Production guidance: I’ve organized the blog into a production guide to take you from start to finish!
Who you need:
- Three speakers: this program has 3 lay speakers who prepare their own 5-minute devotionals (I’ve provided prompts for the speakers, to keep them focused on their specific part).
- Readers for Scripture & narrative readings (I had my singers double as readers).
- Singers & instrumentalists for 4 special numbers plus 3 sections of “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” combined with “We Three Kings”.
- Worship leaders & instrumentalists for 2 congregational songs.
Music Database
One King (Point of Grace)
Performance track | Lead sheet/piano music
Lyrics preview:
Kings of earth on a course unknown
Bearing gifts from afar
Hoping, praying
Following yonder star
Silhouette of a caravan
Painted against the sky
Wise men searching
For the Holy Child
One king held the frankincense
One king held the myrrh
One king held the purest gold
And one king held the hope of the world
How Many Kings? (Downhere)
Performance track | Piano music | SATB music | SATB option 2
Lyrics Preview:
Follow the star to a place unexpected
Would you believe, after all we’ve projected
A child in a manger?
Lowly and small, the weakest of all
Unlikeliest hero, wrapped in his mother’s shawl
Just a child
Is this who we’ve waited for?
Adore Him (Kari Jobe)
Piano music | Performance track | Lead sheet/guitar tabs
Lyrics Preview:
Countless days on a journey that led so far
Endless nights they traveled to follow the star
They did not find a palace, just a humble village home
And searching for a king, but finding a child, no crown, no throne
Still they bowed down
Prince of Heaven (Hillsong)
Piano music | Chords | Instrumental
Lyrics Preview:
Earth in shadow, restlessly hold
Labour’s waiting, in silent hope
For the promise, it longs to know
What heaven holds
Then the angels, in holy haste
Lift their anthem, Your Saviour lays
In a manger, in humble form
Your King is born
Son of God (Michael W. Smith)
Piano music | Piano music option 2 | Chords | SATB
Lyrics Preview:
Son of God, purest light, Lord on high is here tonight
Stamping through, this sacred sky suddenly our eyes behold
Heaven’s perfect plan unfold, son of God
Son of God, love divine, timeless one, steps in to die
Who could dream of such a thing with us now the King of Kings
Man and angels bow and sing, singing Hallelujah, Hallelujah
The Unbelievable (Sovereign Grace)
Chords, lead sheets and accompaniment piano music
Lyrics Preview:
Come and see the inconceivable
And believe the unbelievable
God has come to dwell with us
Begotten Son born into Adam’s earth
Promised One fulfilling ancient words
God has come to dwell with us
Who Would Have Dreamed? (Sovereign Grace)
Performance track | Chords and piano accompaniment music
Lyrics Preview:
Prophets had foretold it, a mighty King would come
Long awaited Ruler, God’s Anointed One
But the Sovereign of all looked helpless and small
As God gave the world His own Son
And who would have dreamed or ever foreseen
That we could hold God in our hands?
The Giver of Life is born in the night
Revealing God’s glorious plan
To save the world
Did you find a song or arrangement you just LOVE? Share it with me at designorganizecreate@gmail.com and it just may end up on this page!