A Christmas program outline exploring the theme of Emmanuel: God with us. It focuses on the trustworthiness of a God Who fulfilled dozens of promises with His birth, death and Resurrection, and Who promises an eternal hope.

A Magi-themed program telling the Christmas story and using the three gifts as metaphors to explain who Jesus is: frankincense for a Deity, gold for a King, and myrrh for a Savior.

Starting with Creation and the Fall of Man, we see the sweeping story of darkness clouding the light that God designed, and then come to focus on the birth of the Light of the World. The script includes Scripture-based readings, storytelling and monologues from Mary and Joseph.

A Good Friday cantata that asks the hard questions through the stories of Adam & Eve, Joseph, Job and Esther: How can I trust Him when I’ve betrayed Him? When I’m alone? When I’m in pain? When I’m afraid? We then turn to Gethsemane and Golgotha and see a Savior who went to the Cross, experiencing betrayal, abandonment, and pain…for us.

A one-woman show telling the story of Esther in seven dramatic monologues. Esther’s story, that of a Jewish queen in a Persian empire, is still relevant for men and women living in our modern society. It deals with questions of power, of injustice, of impossible circumstances, of fear, and of being a follower of the one true God in a depraved world.