Today was one of those days where I listened to new-to-me music for what seemed like hours.
I started with a list of recommendations, Googled lyrics to scan while I caught snatches on YouTube, and built two playlists along the way. I started with Christmas music but ended up listening to songs about the death of Jesus, from the perspective of Judas and Peter.
And that leads us to our Song of the Week.
The ballad style is haunting, behind the lyrics of Peter mourning his betrayal.
After all that I had said
After all that I had promised I would do
I never dreamed it would all end like this
Thought that I would be Your rock
Thought I would weather all the fear
But now I find here at the end
I was too weak to resist
I said that I would follow
I even promised You I would die
But when the choice had to be made
I left You all alone
So many expectations
Now all I have are regret and empty words
That fog my mind
And cut me to the bone
Sadly, I wasn’t able to find chords or sheet music for this one so you won’t be seeing it in the Music Database. If you come across those resources I’d love to add them and thank you with a Starbucks card!