July Update

It’s been a while since I’ve posted on the blog. My writing sessions often go in waves between the public posts and the behind-the-scenes personal writing or script development, and these last several weeks, both have been lacking.

As my state has slowly opened up new activities, it’s been incredible to expand my social life again and also to be back to work and in the midst of my industry’s busy season. My current busyness is in stark contrast to the quietness of April, and yet I’m grateful for the pieces of that stillness that have stayed with me, and continue to add depth to the louder, fast-paced season I’m outwardly in right now.

There have been a couple of developments behind the scenes that I’m excited to share with you!

Hadassah of Susa: new scene

Although May held plenty of isolation and anxiety for me personally, it also resulted in a second edition (still under construction) of Hadassah of Susa with an additional scene: I dive into those three days of fasting and praying, and explore the emotional and spiritual turmoil she may have felt.

A Church’s Guide to Social Media: Now Bilingual

One of my readers reached out to me and said he’d translated the Social Media Guide for Churches into Spanish for his ministry leaders! Thank you David, both for your translation work and for being willing to share it with the iorganizedthat.com audience!

That’s all I’ve got for you today! You can expect the blog to be fairly quiet as I wrangle the adventures of busy season at work, but don’t forget there are plenty of published resources for your perusal (the Production Guide is a great place to start).