This is a different kind of post than you’ll normally find here. Usually I’m geeking out about putting together Christmas productions and writing scripts. But I follow dozens of churches on Instagram and over the last weeks I’ve seen how some churches are succeeding and some are struggling. I’m passionate about breaking down the barriers to clear communication, and now that it’s mediated so often on social media, I want to help our churches catch up.

COVID-19 has changed how churches do church. With the building obsolete for the moment (besides as a filming location), church leaders have figured out how to livestream. They’ve jumped on Instagram and Facebook to meet their congregations where we are – on social media.
This can bring with it a steep learning curve. Someone might be used to posting vacation pictures, or talking with friends on their personal page, but would be intimidated by running a public account.
I put together a quick and easy 2-page guide that introduces you to social media content planning.
- Four core categories of church social media content (and ideas for implementing each).
- How to create a ‘look’ through consistent design and styling.
- How to post content regularly without it becoming overwhelming.
And a HUGE thank you to one of this community, David Garcia, who reached out to me with a Spanish translation of the content!
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